Get Smaller Calves at OZ CLINIC, Seoul


I've created this blog site Get Smaller Calves for all those who want to know more about Calf Reduction Surgery at OZ CLINIC also some hints and tips for Seoul. I have personally experienced the surgery and am pleased with my result so far. I will add a journal of my experience that I wrote from my trip in Seoul. I hope you find it helpful.

If you have any questions or anything you want to discuss please don't hesitate to email me at
I'd be more than happy to help you if I can.

Before surgery

Left leg = 37.5cm, Right leg = 37.0cm

After surgery (9 weeks later)

Left leg = 34cm, Right leg = 33.5cm

Important!! Hints and Tips before you arrive in Seoul

1. Go to the Taxi Stand- be wary of hagglers at the airport, you will GET RIPPED OFF by them. From Incheon International Airport to Young Dong Hotel in a 'regular' taxi- white/grey colour should cost below 80,000WON (not 140,000WON that these scammers will charge you)

2. Bring an adaptor but if you forget, they may have one available to lend you from front desk

3. Bring a laptop with loads of stuff to keep you occupied for your recovery but if you forget or don't have one, front desk may also assist you by lending one out. Otherwise there are a few english TV channels but watching repeated movies can get annoying. You can access free wireless internet from Oz Clinic called 'iptime'

4. Although the Olympics were held in Seoul, not everybody speaks English. I brought 'Lonely Planet- Seoul' along with me. Or bring a translation book. Taxi Drivers sometimes found it easier to read the Korean Names of locations

5. Don't be scared to ask for extra pillows, crockery (for cereal)

6. Prepare yourself before hand. Buy some water and food before the surgery- after surgery walking may not be so easy. There is complementary 1 bottle of water per day from the hotel

Day 4 (Monday 22nd June 2009)

Wow it took ages to get downstairs. I’m still walking like a granny and it’s causing me back pain. I slept a bit better last night because I’m pretty tired from all the straining. We got to the clinic at 11am, Dr Park is very busy and we waited for ages. Amy cleaned my stitches again and changed the bandage. The alcohol stings. My friend said blood came out of the wound. Ewww! I couldn’t stand straight so Amy got me to lie down on the operating table and pushed my knee down until it went straight. It hurt like a bitch and I cried…again!

I finally straightened my legs and was able to stretch and touch the wall. It was not fun! Then I had to do some air kicks and walk around. At least I can walk around now. I had to rest in the TV room for ten minutes then get up to stretch again. It went well. Another ten minutes and one more stretch. Dr Park said I don’t walk well so I have to come back tomorrow at 11am. It’s like when I stretch it’s such a big improvement and then when I try again, its like square negative 500. Its not getting easier every time I stretch because it’s the same feeling except a very small improvement in flexibility. I was so hungry and McDonalds does delivery here so I had a McChicken Meal and my friend had a Big Mac meal. The receptionist had to call them up because they don’t speak English. It was yummy fries but I felt sick after.

By the afternoon I was tired so I fell asleep for a little bit. I have done a couple of stretches all day, it’s feeling less stiff. It’s an improvement so I can’t complain. Oh well, tomorrow should get better. I can straighten my knee okay now, then stretch and touch my belly to the wall. I feel sometimes that my kneecap is going to get bust because it’s overextended since I have no strength in my legs to control my weight.

Day 3 (Sunday 21st June 2009)

Today started off rough. I didn’t sleep well. It’s so hard to get comfy because I can barely move. I woke up at 9am today and had to wake my friend to take me to the toilet. He must be so tired of carrying me, I think I may be a little bit of a spoilt brat. It started off slow today, I could barely stand up. My left leg is really hurting, swollen on the medial side. It’s hard to put weight on my left but my right is strong. My legs are fat foot to knee. I took some pictures today.

I tried to stretch but it didn’t go too well. I could barely touch my belly to the wall. I was so tired and sweaty from it, I had to rest after. I fell asleep for a bit. Then it was time to get up and stretch again. I didn’t stretch every 30 minutes today because it was really hurting. But as the day went on, it gets less painful to stretch and I’m slowly getting closer to the wall. It’s my new friend.

I finally got to shower, its nice to get into some clean clothes! I took the bandages off. My legs throbbed. I found it hard to stand so I had to use the footrest in the shower and sit on it. It took so long to get dressed. I put the bandages back on as tightly as I could. Finally I am sitting down and resting. I did some more stretching and its getting better. I can’t straighten my leg that well. Its nice to speak to the other ladies on Purse Forum because it helps to be reassured about the experience. Good news, my jaw is good now.

DAY 2 (Saturday 20th June 2009)

It was an uncomfortable night's sleep. I had to sleep on my back all night, I couldn't move because my legs were so heavy. I have my checkup today at 11am. It took sooooo long to get downstairs and into the car! What's worse is that my room is on the end of the floor. Way too much walking for my liking. I had to climb onto the operating table, face down. I couldn’t get onto the table and was just kinda half on it. My jogging pants were tight and it hurt trying to lift it up (so I suggest to bring super flared pants or a long skirt is better). Amy cleaned up the dried blood on my legs and cleaned up around the stitches too. It was painful because my legs were so sensitive. Dr Park removed the foam splint and I had steri strips placed on top of the stitches and then a bandaid thing over that. My legs were wrapped in bandages. I turned onto my back and had to do some stretches. My friend said that my legs are big and bruised in different colours- black and blue and purple. I had to lie on my back to bend my knees, the first one hurt a lot but then after a few stretches it was ok. Dr Park said my left is stronger but then I noticed when I got home that my left leg clicked behind the knee and hurt for a minute or so. Then I had to get up, very slowly and stand against the wall. Dr Park made me do the calf stretch, I thought after 5 minutes we could stop. But actually he wanted me to touch my belly to the wall! OMG. I could barely stand last night let alone stretch. I could go for 3 minutes but then I get real sweaty and quite light headed. My friend encouraged me to push harder. I finally got my belly to the wall, then Dr Park pushed a bit harder. He is really strong. It felt like a very good calf stretch, not like when you stretch after a workout, but a 'real' stretch. Then we had to wait 30 minutes inside the resting room. 30 minutes passed and then it took me ages to get downstairs to the car. Young Dong is very helpful, they take us to Oz Clinic and pick us up if they can otherwise a taxi ride is only about 2400 WON. Some other stupid car was blocking the way so I had to walk around it! We got back to the hotel room, and it was time again for stretching. My friend is such a Nazi, he is making me stretch…But I need that.

As the day progresses my walking worsens and my left leg is really starting to sting a lot. Its really hard to walk. It was a really long night, I couldn’t sleep well at all. I don’t want to drink anymore because I don’t want to get up and walk to the bathroom but I’m so thirsty. My jaw is aching too because I think I clenched it in my sleep from the entire struggle. Next checkup on Monday 11am again.

DAY 1 (Friday 19th June 2009)

I arrived at Oz Clinic at 10am for my consult. Dr Park takes photographs of my calves and they measure 37.5cm on the left and 37cm on the right. He then informs me of the complications. Dr Park tells me that my legs are thick and bulky, and that 4cm off is expected. The nurse's English name is Amy- she is wonderful. I am not a fan of needles and Amy gave me the IV needle, she had to stick me twice because my vein swelled up. She then washed my legs in Iodine solution to sterilise the area. I lay down on the operating table then breathed in some gas and was out. Next thing I knew, it was over and I awoke as someone carried me to my recovery room (I later found out Dr Park carried me- he is strong!!). I was shivering for about 30 minutes due to the effects of the general anaesthesia. But there was a heated blanket under me and a warm blanket over me. I couldn't feel anything at this stage except some confusion as I fell in and out of sleep. Amy reassured me that I was fine and comforted me as I cried. I was overwhelmed with emotions- happiness and relief that I had actually done it. My left foot got numb, Dr Park said that’s not normal. At 7pm I tried to get up but felt so dizzy. At 10pm I tried to get up again and was able to go to the toilet. Amy got me doing my first stretch but after 3 minutes I felt light headed so I got back into bed. I was finally allowed back at the hotel around 10:45pm, I think because I had a friend with me to assist. If I was on my own, I think they would have got me to stay overnight. I wasn't in pain but my legs felt heavy as I walked. I rang front desk to request for some extra pillows to elevate my legs. I have my first follow up tomorrow at 11am.